Monday, February 11, 2013

DIY Valentine Wreath

I know it's been a while, but you've gotta cut me some slack. I had a baby and well, four is a LOT. Who knew? ;)

Well, the girls and I decided to make a really simple and uber cheap wreath to hang on our door for Valentine week. Super simple, super cheap, all you need is:

Old sheet
Yarn or Ribbon

First things first, cut out a heart shape from your cardboard. I cut out two half and taped them together because I didn't have a big enough piece of cardboard for the size heart I wanted. Free form it, the more wonky the better. Imperfections add character in all aspects of life.

Next, I had an old sheet (I'm talking decades old) that was literally falling apart so I cut slits in it and had the girls (who are 2 & 4) tear strips.

Sidenote: Great way for the little ones to help!

Then all you have to do from there is tie the strips onto your heart. It's gonna take quite a few, but it goes fast.

Now before you tie the ones on the very top, find some ribbon or yarn that you like, (the girls chose hot pink, go figure... which works because I have a red door) and tie it in the middle leaving enough ends to tie a bow. Then you can cover the ribbon with more knotted fabric to hide it and give your heart a nice finished look.

I don't know about you, but for the price: $0 - I LOVE it. AND the girls were a big part of putting it together...

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